I'm a lecturer at the University of Adelaide. I have a great interest in the natural world both in my professional and private life.
My Story
I started down the road to becoming a geoscientist in my first week on the Caltech campus as an undergraduate. I was interested in physics, but wasn't sure what kind I would eventually want to become. I had the opportunity to tour the geoscience labs and found our that it was possible to do physics outdoors! At that point I decided on a major in geophysics, which I graduated in 2001.
After graduating, I entered the Masters and PhD program at the University of Utah, where I started studying magnetotellurics with Phil Wannamaker. Funding was tight at the time and I ended up working with David Chapman in thermal geophysics on thermal isostasy and related issues for both my Masters and PhD, while maintaining some work in MT with Phil. I graduated with my PhD in 2010.
I spent time during my PhD as a teaching assistant with the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) field program and did some minor consulting work in MT and small-scale geophysical surveys.
In 2010, I started a Cecil and Ida Green Fellowship at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego. I worked as a postdoc with Steve Constable, helping obtain funding to analyze the electrical conductivity of mantle-derived pyroxene.
In 2013, I started my current position at the University of Adelaide as a lecturer in geophysics. At present, I teach Geophysics IIIA: Potential Fields, Geophysics IIIB: Electomagnetics and Seismology, and Tectonics III at the undergraduate level. I am also the Honours Coordinator for Earth Sciences and teach the Data Analysis short course.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities and bright young minds. Let's connect.
+61 8 8313 4540